Hawaiian Huna, the Way of the Healer the spirit of aloha
The Huna Way is a secret Philosophy that comes from the Polynesian islands, there are those who say that Ancient Atlantis is said to be Secret in the sense of hidden. It is to my understanding as a student of the subject the most applicable, simplest and most effective Philosophy of life that I know and it is applicable to life and to any type of human purpose and activity. Through it we will achieve healing, harmony and completeness.
It has 7 Basic Principles on which most of its wisdom is focused, concepts that we must work and understand one by one
It has 7 Basic Principles on which most of its wisdom is focused, concepts that we must work and understand one by one
1) IKE: The world is what you think it is.
2) KALA: There are no limits.
3) MAKIA: The energy flows to where the attention is.
4) MANAWA: Now is the moment of Power
5) ALOHA: To love is to be happy with something or someone.
6) MANA: All power comes from within us.
7) PONO: Effectiveness is the measure of truth.
1) IKE: The world is what you think it is.
2) KALA: There are no limits.
3) MAKIA: The energy flows to where the attention is.
4) MANAWA: Now is the moment of Power
5) ALOHA: To love is to be happy with something or someone.
6) MANA: All power comes from within us.
7) PONO: Effectiveness is the measure of truth.
PIKO-PIKO BREATHING TECHNIQUEPiko means energy center and refers to the navel, the soles of the feet and the crown of the head.
1. Notice your natural breathing. She may experience a change from the attention you give her, that's okay.
2. Locate your crown and navel through attention or touch.
3. Now as you inhale bring your attention to the crown of your head and as you exhale bring your attention to the navel. Continue breathing in this way for as long as you like.
4. Then bring your attention to the bottoms of your feet and your navel. As you inhale, bring your attention to the bottom of your feet, while you exhale bring your attention to your navel.
5. Finally, keep your attention on your navel as you inhale and exhale.
6. When you feel relaxed, centered, energized begin to imagine that you are surrounded by an invisible cloud of light or an electromagnetic field, and that your breath increases the energy of this cloud or field.
OTHER WAYS TO BREATHInstead of the crown and navel, it draws attention from shoulder to shoulder or from heaven to earth.
FOUR ASPECTS OF CONSCIOUSNESSKu: The primary function of this aspect is memory. Thanks to ku we can learn and remember, acquire habits and develop skills, maintain the integrity of the body and maintain a sense of identity from day to day. Memory is stored in the body, as a vibration or movement pattern. With the right stimulation, internal or external, the movement occurs and the memory is released for the Ku there is only present, it does not distinguish between past, present and future, it does not feel the difference between me and not me. His main motivation is pleasure, his main tool, Sensation.
The non:It is the part of one that is aware of internal and external stimuli (ideas and emotions, objects, perceptions, etc.). The main function of this aspect is decision making. That of the power of the will, which is the ability to direct consciousness and attention, maintain a strong and sustained purpose. In other words, put another way, intention is a type of decision that has very important effects when used to achieve health, well-being, and happiness. It is the only part of you that you have direct control over, which is why it is so important to develop it. The interpretation of the facts, the meaning that one attributes to them, is a decision. Lono decides where to pay attention, what is important and what is not. etc. Lono evaluates (good, bad), interprets (gives meaning) analyzes and categorizes (makes the decision of whether something is or is not).
Kane or Aumakua:It is the spiritual essence, the spiritual guide of any person or group. It is the aspect of the "source" of inspiration, it can be represented as the teacher or the artist within. It can also be considered as the soul, but not in the sense of the soul that can be lost or fragmented. This aspect is not lost. It is the inner God or Higher Self. He comes from an even greater source, which can be called God. As a teacher he can be considered the source of all the knowledge one could need or want. Thus in any circumstance of life one can have the knowledge of what to do and how to achieve a desired result. This wisdom can appear in dreams, visions, inspirations and hunches or through contact with people and objects in the physical world. This wisdom can also be accessed by changing the state of consciousness. In his role as teacher he dispenses information and knowledge. It does not force a way of acting or thinking. It does not tell us what we should do but what we can do. The inner voice that tells us what to do is a voice that comes from our own beliefs or those we take from other people, not from Higher Consciousness.
Kanaloa: It is the soul. Kanaloa means, sure, firm, unconquerable. Its function is the will, its motivation is to be and its tool is confidence. It is the synthesis of the three previous aspects.
FOUR LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE.1. Physical level. The world we perceive with our everyday senses. Its dominant characteristics are a sense of objectivity, of separation between things, objects and events.
2. Psychic level: Subjective level, there is an assumption that everything is connected. It is the level of telepathy, clairvoyance. From this level mental techniques can be used to influence and create objective events.
3. Symbolic level: it is the level of interrelation. Everything has a meaning, but not in itself but in relation to something else. Everything is a reflection of something else. This one and the next one are more information-oriented, the previous ones action-oriented. Level of dreams, of travel.
4. Mystical level: Everything is everything, level of identification. cosmic consciousness. purely subjective state.
KAHIIt is one of the lomi lomi techniques. Lomi lomi is the set of Hawaiian massage methods. Kahi is part of this method, it means "unity" (to be one with). It only requires light physical contact. It is a system that is not usually taught and very effective.
The Eight Centers and four sides of the body: Eight Centers: crown, chest, navel, pubis, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet.
As additional centers, the seventh cervical and the coccyx.
Four sides: shoulders, hips. He puts one hand on a center of power and the other on the place to relax, which can also be a center of power. He focuses his attention simultaneously on both hands while breathing.
In kahi, no energy is put in or channeled, only attention is focused.
Effectiveness is equal to Motivation times Concentration times Confidence, minus Resistance.
HAIPULEIt is a manifestation technique.
Manifest in the sense of making something possible. It is a way of "programming" our ku, channeling our intention and directing our attention (or energy) over and over again to something we want to achieve, using all our tools to do so.
Desire followed by determination is the most powerful forces of the human being. This technique is based precisely on this power.
Suggested steps:
1) the purpose or intention is defined (what it is that one wants to think, do, be or have)
2) in a state of meditation, the following are sought: words or phrases, images and actions, behaviors or rituals that symbolically represent what one desires.
Then the words and images are evoked, the actions are carried out, in daily life, during the time necessary to produce some change.
Daily practice consists of:
1) Charge yourself with energy through breathing, meditation, singing, dancing or calling on spiritual forces for help.
2) mentally repeat the words or phrases of power
3) evoke the images
4) perform the actions or rituals in life.
The manifestation is a process in which we are changing and by changing ourselves our experience of reality changes. When we change our energy changes and due to the phenomenon of resonance, our interactions with reality change.
The "universe" responds to our resonance and in this way we are attracting experiences and situations according to our focus of attention or purpose in a dynamic way.
LA'A KEA. LIGHT OF LOVEIn all spiritual traditions there are techniques to be filled with Light because Light is Spiritual Energy.
This Light can take on various colors. We can use it with ourselves and fill everything around us with Light.
White: Gives mental clarity, access to knowledge.
Red: Clear. Helps to remove tensions and physical and mental limitations; Good for increasing rapport between people.
Orange: Focus. Helps focus attention and energy.
Yellow: Center. It helps to get rid of worries, resentments and guilt, helps to remove procrastination, increases persistence and stimulates enjoying the present moment.
Green: Bless. Helps increase self-esteem, appreciation, friendship, love and happiness. Blue: gives power. Helps increase physical and spiritual power, self-confidence and inner authority.
Violet: Come on. Helps to establish physical and spiritual harmony, tune in with purposes and prosperity, align with others for common purposes.
JOURNEYS TO THE INNER WORLDAu: is the outside world. Po: is the inner world. Dream world, not visible. It is the place where adventures, learning, enlightenment take place.
Lanikea: world above. Place of the Gods, heroes, myths. It is the place of big dreams.
Kahiki: the place of power, of spirit, of ordinary dreams.
Milu: It is the world below. In this system it is the place of challenges. Where are the doubts, the fears. It is the place where the shaman goes to regain power. One will regain confidence, self-esteem.
travel practicesInner Garden: It's a journey to Kahiki, the middle world. By convention it is a place that symbolically represents our being, our experience, our reality. We can go there to observe, recognize, change, transform and recreate our reality and our being.
Journey to Lanikea: (world above, to find the Animals of Power and the teachers.
Journey to Milu: (world below) to overcome obstacles.
The urban shaman. Serge King. Editorial Deva's
Instant healing. Serge King Editorial Sirio
Kahuna Healing. Serge King. quest books
Kauna Magic. Brad Steiger New York: Award Books.
The Secret Science at Work. Max Freedom Long.
1. Notice your natural breathing. She may experience a change from the attention you give her, that's okay.
2. Locate your crown and navel through attention or touch.
3. Now as you inhale bring your attention to the crown of your head and as you exhale bring your attention to the navel. Continue breathing in this way for as long as you like.
4. Then bring your attention to the bottoms of your feet and your navel. As you inhale, bring your attention to the bottom of your feet, while you exhale bring your attention to your navel.
5. Finally, keep your attention on your navel as you inhale and exhale.
6. When you feel relaxed, centered, energized begin to imagine that you are surrounded by an invisible cloud of light or an electromagnetic field, and that your breath increases the energy of this cloud or field.
OTHER WAYS TO BREATHInstead of the crown and navel, it draws attention from shoulder to shoulder or from heaven to earth.
FOUR ASPECTS OF CONSCIOUSNESSKu: The primary function of this aspect is memory. Thanks to ku we can learn and remember, acquire habits and develop skills, maintain the integrity of the body and maintain a sense of identity from day to day. Memory is stored in the body, as a vibration or movement pattern. With the right stimulation, internal or external, the movement occurs and the memory is released for the Ku there is only present, it does not distinguish between past, present and future, it does not feel the difference between me and not me. His main motivation is pleasure, his main tool, Sensation.
The non:It is the part of one that is aware of internal and external stimuli (ideas and emotions, objects, perceptions, etc.). The main function of this aspect is decision making. That of the power of the will, which is the ability to direct consciousness and attention, maintain a strong and sustained purpose. In other words, put another way, intention is a type of decision that has very important effects when used to achieve health, well-being, and happiness. It is the only part of you that you have direct control over, which is why it is so important to develop it. The interpretation of the facts, the meaning that one attributes to them, is a decision. Lono decides where to pay attention, what is important and what is not. etc. Lono evaluates (good, bad), interprets (gives meaning) analyzes and categorizes (makes the decision of whether something is or is not).
Kane or Aumakua:It is the spiritual essence, the spiritual guide of any person or group. It is the aspect of the "source" of inspiration, it can be represented as the teacher or the artist within. It can also be considered as the soul, but not in the sense of the soul that can be lost or fragmented. This aspect is not lost. It is the inner God or Higher Self. He comes from an even greater source, which can be called God. As a teacher he can be considered the source of all the knowledge one could need or want. Thus in any circumstance of life one can have the knowledge of what to do and how to achieve a desired result. This wisdom can appear in dreams, visions, inspirations and hunches or through contact with people and objects in the physical world. This wisdom can also be accessed by changing the state of consciousness. In his role as teacher he dispenses information and knowledge. It does not force a way of acting or thinking. It does not tell us what we should do but what we can do. The inner voice that tells us what to do is a voice that comes from our own beliefs or those we take from other people, not from Higher Consciousness.
Kanaloa: It is the soul. Kanaloa means, sure, firm, unconquerable. Its function is the will, its motivation is to be and its tool is confidence. It is the synthesis of the three previous aspects.
FOUR LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE.1. Physical level. The world we perceive with our everyday senses. Its dominant characteristics are a sense of objectivity, of separation between things, objects and events.
2. Psychic level: Subjective level, there is an assumption that everything is connected. It is the level of telepathy, clairvoyance. From this level mental techniques can be used to influence and create objective events.
3. Symbolic level: it is the level of interrelation. Everything has a meaning, but not in itself but in relation to something else. Everything is a reflection of something else. This one and the next one are more information-oriented, the previous ones action-oriented. Level of dreams, of travel.
4. Mystical level: Everything is everything, level of identification. cosmic consciousness. purely subjective state.
KAHIIt is one of the lomi lomi techniques. Lomi lomi is the set of Hawaiian massage methods. Kahi is part of this method, it means "unity" (to be one with). It only requires light physical contact. It is a system that is not usually taught and very effective.
The Eight Centers and four sides of the body: Eight Centers: crown, chest, navel, pubis, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet.
As additional centers, the seventh cervical and the coccyx.
Four sides: shoulders, hips. He puts one hand on a center of power and the other on the place to relax, which can also be a center of power. He focuses his attention simultaneously on both hands while breathing.
In kahi, no energy is put in or channeled, only attention is focused.
Effectiveness is equal to Motivation times Concentration times Confidence, minus Resistance.
HAIPULEIt is a manifestation technique.
Manifest in the sense of making something possible. It is a way of "programming" our ku, channeling our intention and directing our attention (or energy) over and over again to something we want to achieve, using all our tools to do so.
Desire followed by determination is the most powerful forces of the human being. This technique is based precisely on this power.
Suggested steps:
1) the purpose or intention is defined (what it is that one wants to think, do, be or have)
2) in a state of meditation, the following are sought: words or phrases, images and actions, behaviors or rituals that symbolically represent what one desires.
Then the words and images are evoked, the actions are carried out, in daily life, during the time necessary to produce some change.
Daily practice consists of:
1) Charge yourself with energy through breathing, meditation, singing, dancing or calling on spiritual forces for help.
2) mentally repeat the words or phrases of power
3) evoke the images
4) perform the actions or rituals in life.
The manifestation is a process in which we are changing and by changing ourselves our experience of reality changes. When we change our energy changes and due to the phenomenon of resonance, our interactions with reality change.
The "universe" responds to our resonance and in this way we are attracting experiences and situations according to our focus of attention or purpose in a dynamic way.
LA'A KEA. LIGHT OF LOVEIn all spiritual traditions there are techniques to be filled with Light because Light is Spiritual Energy.
This Light can take on various colors. We can use it with ourselves and fill everything around us with Light.
White: Gives mental clarity, access to knowledge.
Red: Clear. Helps to remove tensions and physical and mental limitations; Good for increasing rapport between people.
Orange: Focus. Helps focus attention and energy.
Yellow: Center. It helps to get rid of worries, resentments and guilt, helps to remove procrastination, increases persistence and stimulates enjoying the present moment.
Green: Bless. Helps increase self-esteem, appreciation, friendship, love and happiness. Blue: gives power. Helps increase physical and spiritual power, self-confidence and inner authority.
Violet: Come on. Helps to establish physical and spiritual harmony, tune in with purposes and prosperity, align with others for common purposes.
JOURNEYS TO THE INNER WORLDAu: is the outside world. Po: is the inner world. Dream world, not visible. It is the place where adventures, learning, enlightenment take place.
Lanikea: world above. Place of the Gods, heroes, myths. It is the place of big dreams.
Kahiki: the place of power, of spirit, of ordinary dreams.
Milu: It is the world below. In this system it is the place of challenges. Where are the doubts, the fears. It is the place where the shaman goes to regain power. One will regain confidence, self-esteem.
travel practicesInner Garden: It's a journey to Kahiki, the middle world. By convention it is a place that symbolically represents our being, our experience, our reality. We can go there to observe, recognize, change, transform and recreate our reality and our being.
Journey to Lanikea: (world above, to find the Animals of Power and the teachers.
Journey to Milu: (world below) to overcome obstacles.
The urban shaman. Serge King. Editorial Deva's
Instant healing. Serge King Editorial Sirio
Kahuna Healing. Serge King. quest books
Kauna Magic. Brad Steiger New York: Award Books.
The Secret Science at Work. Max Freedom Long.