WORLD MO’O RYU KEMPO ORGANIZATION Kenpo – Lua – Wing Chun - Kombatan
History & Founder
Dr. Carlos Deleon started his martial arts training in the 1970’s under his father Professor Oscar de León in the art of Kenpo Karate. Dr. Deleon started the development of the Mo’o Ryu Kempo (MRK) martial arts system in 1993 with the integration of Kenpo Karate and Wing Chun Kung fu. In 1993 Dr. Deleon started his FMA Kali stick fighting training, and in 1996 he studied Ninjitsu in search of expanding the MRK curriculum. By 1999 Presas Kombatan_Modern Arnis and Kaihewalu Lua became the third and fourth art forming the current Mo’o Ryu Kempo system. Dr. Deleon focus is to teach each art separately so students can benefit from the different training methodologies of Japanese Kempo, Chinese Kung Fu, Filipino Stick / Knife fighting, and Hawaiian native Lua. By teaching each art separately in a progressive manner, it preserves the legacy left behind buy our ancestors in the martial arts, and provides a robust curriculum of empty hand applications, kata, forms, hulas, weapon training, Shinjin no Maki (pressure point applications) and Kappo (healing techniques) from all 4 cultures and styles perspectives.
Currently, one of more of the martial art styles within the Mo’o Ryu Kempo system is taught in several countries:
USA, Argentina, Australia, África, Brazil, Costa Rica, Chile, Guatemala, México, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Spain, Thailand, Uruguay.
Currently several senior instructors on six continents are instrumental in assisting Dr. Deleon with his vision of teaching everyone who wants to learn any of the four styles under the Mo’o Ryu Kempo system. The senior instructors are: Hanshi Matt Nocerino (North America), Hanshi Chris Delgado (USA), Kyoshi Edwin Mejia (Central America), Kyoshi Pablo Gobbi (South America), Kyoshi Damian Rosatti (South America), Kyoshi Gustavo Garcia (South America/Europe), Kumu Luis Sanchez, and Hanshi Frank Monea (Australia).
With the expansion of MRK system worldwide, Dr. Deleon, with input from his senior instructors around the world, formalized the world organization as the “World Mo’o Ryu Kempo Organization” with the intent of promoting the expansion of the organization. The logo branding the World Mo’o Ryu Kempo Organization embodies the following aspects: The crown from the Hawaiian seal gives credit to all the martial arts masters who migrated to Hawaii from around the world during the war, and the many martial arts styles that originated from Hawaii. The world map stands for the footprint of WMRKO around the world, the MRK logo stands for the four arts that formed the MRK system, and the colors while blending the four cultures attributes represents (Red mastery and Valor) (Gold royalty and Abundance), (White purity), and (Black Elegance and formality).
For membership information, conctact Dr. Carlos Deleon at sokedeleon@gmail.com or one of regional representatives