MO'O Ryu Kempo Deleon's Honbu Dojo
MO'O-RYU Kempo Halau O de Leon TM (Kenpo, Hawaiian Lua, Ip Man Wing Chun, Kombatan (Arnis_Kali)
MO'O RYU Kempo Halau provides superior instruction in Kenpo, Hawaiian Lua Martial Arts, Arnis, Ip Man Wing Chun, MO'O Lua System and MMA Our site not only allows you to find out information about our classes, instructors, and our martial arts style, but we also provide information on martial arts history, culture, and traditions.
Contact us to let us know how we can help you.via email at
kaihewalu lua Olohe Solomon Kaihewalu and Senior Kumu Lua Dr. Deleon
Ip Man Wing Chun gM Samuel Kwok and Sigung Carlos Deleon
Chow Hoon Goshin - Jitsu Senior Professor James Muro Professor Pedro Porem - Kyoshi Shihan Mario Hermo Alonso - renshi Professor Carlos deleon - Hanshi Chow Hoon Family united by Kaihewalu Lua today and always
MO'O-RYU Kempo System
MO'O-RYU Kempo"The Hidden Art system or 4 Dragon System" 2009
MO'O Ryu Kempo is the incorporation of 4 of the most efficient fighting systems of our time. Hawaiian Lua, Goshin Jitsu / Kenpo, Chinese Kung Fu Wing Chun, Filipino stick & knife fighting Kombatan (Arnis_Kali) MO'O Ryu Kempo main focus is to teach each art separate but simultaneously so the student can benefit from all 4 philosophies of training. By teaching each art separate allows for each art to be passed on to future generations.
Kenpo Karate
Kempo / Kenpo Originated from Shaolin Kung Fu 495 A.D.
Modern Kempo 1947
Kempo is an art derved from Japanese Kyosho Ryu Kenpo and Chinese Hung Gar Kung Fu.
In simple terms it is: Kung Fu, Karate & Jiu Jutsu.
The linear Japanese movements were blended with more circular chinese movements to create Kempo. The Chinese influence also incorporates the movements of the Tiger, Leopard, Crane, Snake and Dragon. Each of the animals has it's own physical and mental characteristics which our students employ to develop their own Martial Arts Style.Kempo means: "The Law of the Fist"
Japanese ArtsJapanese martial arts are more straight line fighting styles, than the circular techniques of their Chinese cousins. Commonly call karate by those of us in the West, Japanese arts range from empty hand martial systems to joint locking and throwing systems to styles devoted entirely to weapons' practice.
Hawaiian Lua
Lua: Ancient Hawaiian
Self-Defense 1600 A.D.
Olohe Solomon Kaihewalu Lua 1935 - 2019
Lua: Literally means dislocation of the joints.Also means deep pit or bottomless pit.
Where it all started
HAWAIIAN LUA move forward to 1750. Military-style training begins. The Martial Art known as Lua was developed. Lua was first introduced to the King, the Ali'i's and their Honor Guards. This Lua Martial Art was taught only to these special people and their family's blood line and to no one else. The Lua was Kapu (forbidden) and kept secret. Kaihewalu Lua 1955 to present.
HAWAIIAN LUA move forward to 1750. Military-style training begins. The Martial Art known as Lua was developed. Lua was first introduced to the King, the Ali'i's and their Honor Guards. This Lua Martial Art was taught only to these special people and their family's blood line and to no one else. The Lua was Kapu (forbidden) and kept secret. Kaihewalu Lua 1955 to present.
Ip Man Wing Chun
1700 A.D.
Ip Man (1893 - 1972)
Ip Ching / Ip Chun
GM Samuel Kwok
Sigung Carlos Deleon
Wing Chun is a southern Chinese form of boxing. At the Mo'o Dragon Halau we teach the Yip Man Style of Wing Chun.
Win Tsun training consists of three major activities; Forms, Chi Sao (sticking hands), and use of the Wooden Dummy. there are no belts in Wing Chun.
A Wing Chun practitioner will develop a heigtened sense of touch, the ability to trap his opponents limbs, and close range Martial Skills. Wing Chun is a very "no nonsense" martial art, always taking in mind the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but also allowing the practitioner the ability to move around his opponent, seeking the path of least resistance. In Wing Chun you learn to flow like water around obstacles, or to direct your energy to injure or disable an attacker.
History of Wing ChunWing Chun was originally passed down from teacher to student orally rather than through written documentation, making it difficult to confirm or clarify the differing accounts of its creation. Some have sought to apply the methods of higher criticism to the oral histories of Wing Chun and other Chinese martial arts.
1521 A.D.
Presas System 1970
Kombatan (Arnis & Mano Mano & Kali)
Arnis and Mano Mano and Kali is an art that consists of both weapons training as well as empty handed attack and defense. In the past, a student started with weapons in order to be immediately effective in helping to defend their village, and they later moved on to other types and styles of weapons, and eventually to the more advanced empty handed techniques. Arnis is a very effective combat art.a common saying among practitioners of arnis is:"The stick trains the hand and the hand trains the stick"
Arnis and Mano Mano and Kali is an art that consists of both weapons training as well as empty handed attack and defense. In the past, a student started with weapons in order to be immediately effective in helping to defend their village, and they later moved on to other types and styles of weapons, and eventually to the more advanced empty handed techniques. Arnis is a very effective combat art.a common saying among practitioners of arnis is:"The stick trains the hand and the hand trains the stick"
MO'O Ryu Kempo System Hawaiian Lua / Kempo / Wing Chun / Kombatan-Modern Arnis
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Kombatan Modern Arnis
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Halau O Deleon Tournament and demonstration
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Wing Chun
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Hawaiian Lua
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