MO'O Ryu Kempo
Shodai Soke Carlos Deleon
MO'O RYU KEMPO SYSTEM MO'O RYU KEMPO"The Hidden Art system or 4 Dragon System" MO'O RYU KEMPO is the incorporation of 4 of the most efficient fighting systems of our time. Hawaiian Lua, Kenpo karate, Chinese Wing Chun, Filipino stick & knife fighting (Arnis_Kali Kombatan) MO'O RUY KEMPO main focus is to teach each art separate but simultaneously so the student can benefit from all 4 philosophies of training; by teaching each art separate allows for each art to be passed on to future generations. The art of Hawaiian Lua goes back to the 1600 hundreds but currently the Kaihewalu family Lua system is the most effective and respected Lua system in the world.The Lua system utilizes every part of the body to neutralize and control the opponent. Hawaiian Lua is known as the art of bone breaking and dislocation. Kenpo / Kempo was brought to the mainland in 1922 and it is one of the most well know systems in the world. Kempo is known for its empty hand techniques, joint locking, throwing, and weapons training. Kempo means: "The Law of the Fist" Wing Chun is a southern Chinese form of boxing. A Wing Chun practitioner will develop a heightened sense of touch, the ability to trap his opponent's limbs, and close range martial skills. Arnis & Kali Kombatan consists of both weapons training as well as empty handed attack and defense. A common saying among practitioners of Filipino arts is: "The stick trains the hand and the hand trains the stick" Each of the above Martial Art systems regardless of the philosophy of training, offer a complete system from empty hand techniques, to Kata or forms and weapons training. By combining the 4 philosophies of training, Hawaiian, Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino the student will develop a well rounded and effective Martial Art Skill. For more information on each of the individual systems above that form the MO'O RYU KEMPO system, please refer to the individual page for each Art. Ranking in MO'O RYU KEMPO System In order to achieve ranking in the Mo'o Lua system the student most teach 4 different systems. The 4 prefer lineage or systems to achieve ranking in the Mo'o Dragon systems are: The prefer philosophies for the Mo'o Ryu Kempo System are Hawaiian, Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino but other philosophies of training can be consider. Prefer Arts: Hawaiian (Hawaiian Lua)Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiian (Kenpo / Kempo)Chinese Kung Fu (Wing Chun etc.)Filipino System (Kombatan, Arnis, Kali, Escrima, Serrada etc.) Exceptions can be made to which 4 systems the student holds Ranking in depending on the similarity to the above systems and lineage. The goal behind the Mo'o Lua System is to have the student learn from 4 philosophies of training to maximize the Martial Art Skill potential. - The 1st ranking level for Mo'o Ryu Kempo System is a Master Level which means the students has a Black belt level in 4 systems. - The 2nd level is Renshi or 5th degree Black beltAt this level the student starts to incorporate and understand the similarities and differences between the systems.This title means a "polished instructor" or "expert" When the student reaches the 5th degree level, a Nidai Soke title is granted if the student is commited to teaching the MO'O Lua system to future generations. The Nidai soke title is separate from the rank of the student. The student will continue to promote in rank from 5th degree to 10th degree by senior instructors in the system.
- The 3rd level is Renshi Nidai Soke or 6th degree Black beltAt this level the student is capable of teaching the philosophy and traditions of each art.This title means "Master Example Teacher". At this level the Instructor is able to teach students Renshi level and below. - The 4th level is Kyoshi Nidai Soke or 7th and 8th degree Black beltAt this level the student is capable of teaching the philosophy and traditions of each art as well to dissect and analyze the arts to the minor detail. "Senior Master Example Teacher"
- The 5th and final level is Hanshi Nidai Soke level with an 9th and 10th degree Black belt and above."Senior Grand Master Example Teacher"Hanshi is the advisor to the Renshi, Shihan, and Professor Instructors. It provides the higher level teachings and guidance to the master level Instructors. The titles of Shihan, Professor, Hanshi, Soke, Kancho, Sijo, Kaiso, Mekia Alihikaua can be use as the higher level title of a particular system; it depends on the lineage of the system.
MO'O RYU KEMPOMO'O RYU KEMPO System is base on balance, internal and external energy, physics and The natural elements Which depending on the culture some say 4 elements (Greek culture) or 5 elements for (Japanese, Chinese and Buddhism culture)MO'O RYU KEMPO System Logo History
In 2009 the MO'O RYU KEMPO system was approved by several grandmasters of the martial arts including Olohe Solomon Kaihewalu and Dr. de Leon was granted a Kaisoship as a system founder. The first logo designed included a dragon and the 4 logos from the foundation systems that represent the MO'O system. in 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively, Dr. Carlos Deleon was awarded a Shodai Sokeship from three organizations, the Sokeship Concil Seishinryouku Kai, the World Headmasters Sokeship Concil, and Kempo International. Additionally, Shodai Soke Carlos Deleon was promoted to a grandmaster rank in Kempo from Kenpo International Organziation and Grandmaster Lakan 10th degree from Ernesto Presas Jr. in Modern Arnis - Kombatan. Aditionally, Hanshi deleon was accepted by Senior Professor James Muro to become his student under Chow Hoon - Muro system. Hence, the logo evolved to reflect the 5 evolution logo for the MO'O RYU KEMPO System.First Generation 1970's to 1992 GuatemalaFirst Generation 1970's to 1992 Martial Arts Foundation in Kenpo Karate for Sho Dai Soke Carlos Deleon under his Father Late Professor Oscar Deleon student of GM Erick Schumann.Second Generation 1993 to 2008Second Generation 1993 to 2008 Martial Arts Transition and incorporation of Japanese-Hawaiian Kempo, Wing Chun, Kombatan - Modern Arnis, and Hawaiian Lua.Third Generation 2009 to 2019Third Generation 2009 to 2019 Approval by Olohe Solomon Kaihewalu and World League Martial Arts Association and recognition of Kaiso (Founder) Dr. Carlos Deleon as the founder of MO'O RYU Kempo System. Additionally, Kumu Lua Carlos Deleon commited to teach the Lua Halau O Kaihewalu to the world.Fourth Generation 2019 to 2021Fourth Generation 2019 to 2021 Kumu Lua Mekia Alihikaua Carlos Deleon continuing with Olohe's Solomon Kaihewalu legacy to teach the Kaihewalu Lua to the world, and recognition of Dr. Carlos Deleon as a Shodai Soke of the MO'O System by the World Headmasters Sokeship Council, the World Sokeship Council Seishinryoku Kai W.S.C.S.K., and Kempo International Organization. Fifth Generation 2022 to Present MO'O-RYU Kempo System Sho Dai Soke Dr. Carlos Deleon going back to his martial arts foundation (Kempo) and continuining to promote and teach the individual arts that contribute to the MO'O RYU Kempo System. Sigung Deleon seeks mastery of Wing Chun and he was accepted by GM Samuel Kwok Ip Man Wing Chun as a personal student. Hence continues under the guidance and teachings of GM Samuel Kwok the mastery of Wing Chun. Hanshi Deleon seeking mastery of energy flow meridians accessing all parts of the body was accepted by Senior Professor James Muro as his student. Soke Deleon and his black belt students continue teaching Kempo, Lua, Ip Man Wing Chun, and Kombatan-Modern Arnis.Sokeship ApprovalCurrently, Dr. Shodai Soke Carlos de Leon is the only approval authority who can grant Nidai sokeships. In the event of Dr. Carlos Deleon absence from this life, Hanshi Nidai Soke Matt Nocerino, Hanshi Nidai Soke Bernard Lapointe, Kyoshi Nidai Soke Mark Cox, Kyoshi Nidai Soke Chris Delgado, Nidai Soke Shahla de Leon, Renshi Nidai Soke Richard Bigham, Renshi Nidai Soke Pablo Gobbi, and Kyoshi Nidai Soke Luis Sanchez, have the authority to continue teaching the MO'O-RYU Kempo system and have the authority to grant Nidai Sokeship titles to future 5th-degree black belts and above. In the absence of Dr. Shodai Soke Carlos Deleon, Two or more Nidai sokes have to approve any future shokeships for black belts with the 5th degree and above rank.

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